When hearing the story of David and Goliath I have often asked the Lord, "Why five smooth stones?" Why not one, sharp branch, thrown like a spear or one, huge boulder rolled down a cliff? I mean really, the Bible does not record either that David stopped to pray about taking down Goliath. He did not march around him like Joshua and the walls of Jericho or fast about the situation like Queen Esther did about the evil plans of genocide by Haman. No, this giant was defeated quickly and strategically by a confident, forward attack in the sure hand of a shepherd with staff in one hand and five smooth stones in the other. Bam!
Okay, but why 'five' stones? Perhaps each stone foretells of the 5-fold ministry? For instance, there are five ministry expressions listed in Ephesians 4:11, ...he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; Also, are we not defined as 'living stones' in the Body of Christ? It says in 1 Peter 2:5, 'Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.' And further in Ephesians 4:16, 'from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love..' we are defined as a unit.
Still, the question remains, why 'smooth' stones? Answer: smooth stones fly accurately! These stones had been in the river long enough to have become smooth. They had undoubtedly been jostled, knocked about and been broken in the river. For a long time they bumped against other stones in the water, becoming chiseled, accurate weapons for a future coming king.
Beloved, I believe we are those five smooth stones. We are being jostled, bumped, and broken in the water (the Spirit) chiseled to be smooth and to be accurate. We are designed and purposed to work together to be an effective and apparently a lethal weapon against our common enemy but also for the loving support and vitality of one another.
Let us accept our shape (function) and our part on the team. Let's not forsake the smoothing process. Let's stay in the river. I'm just saying...
1 Samuel 1:40
Monday, December 26, 2016
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Relax, Everything is Coming Together!
Can you believe it? Another year is just about over and a new one is right around the corner! My thoughts begin to swirl as I focus on the upcoming holidays and how I want to "do them right" this time. It's at these moments I get a little 'antsy' and anxiously determine to do next year what I did not get done this year.
Thankfully though, by God's grace His Holy Spirit reminds me it's not in the doing that makes a perfect life worth living but its in being His Beloved at the center of His will.
I want to focus on that. Not preparing the moistest turkey (even though I hope it really is juicy!) or the most elegantly decorated tree or perfectly chosen and wrapped gifts, but on Jesus' unfailing love.
Yes, I am going to relax - God's got this!
“I, Jude, am a slave to Jesus Christ and brother to James, writing to those loved by God the Father, called and kept safe by Jesus Christ. Relax, everything’s going to be all right; rest, everything’s coming together; open your hearts, love is on the way!”
“But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God’s love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ. This is the unending life, the real life!”
Saturday, November 5, 2016
God's Great Power
week as my daily routine of work, commuting, household chores, and ministry
commitments unfold, I often feel tired and sometimes overwhelmed.
I think about all the things I have to complete and haven't done yet and
where will I get the resources and energy to accomplish everything I have on my
mental to-do list. It can be exhausting!
is at these times that I forget about how God's great power lives in me. For
instance, I once led a life of drug, alcohol and physical abuse. I was
alienated from my family and I was far from the Lord. One day though I prayed
to God that He would resurrect me from the grave of my sins because in me I had
that same Spirit that raised Lazarus from the grave. I also believed,
in spite of my sin, that the same Holy Spirit that raised Christ from the
dead lived me as well. So, I asked God to do for me what He did for
Lazarus and for Jesus. And he did. By His great power He raised me,
and He saved me, and He restored my soul.
even though the dishes aren't always done and I could use a few extra hours of
sleep, I am an overcomer and I have God's great power living inside of me to do
the most important thing, and that is to know, to love and to live for the Lord
Jesus Christ!
keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may
give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may
know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious
inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who
believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he
raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly
realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name
that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.”
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Question: Have you ever felt like you have been waiting on what seems like forever on the Lord? Is there a dream and hope that you've been holding close to your heart? Have your prayers sounded something like, "How are You going to make this happen God and what do you want me to do?" I can honestly admit this has been my request and constant plea before the Lord.
For a long season I have had certain desires in my heart that I have prayed for, fasted over, and cried about in an effort to move the hand of God. But, the only thing I accomplished were calloused knees, a smaller dress size and smeared mascara. Can I just get honest here?!
So, I finally asked the Lord, "How do you wait?" I mean, how does one really 'wait on the Lord'? The Lord answered this prayer. He said, "Occupy." Hmm, what does it mean to occupy? Although I've heard that term a lot recently like 'Occupy Wall Street' or 'Occupy the 99%', I decided to look up the term and found these definitions:
So, I finally asked the Lord, "How do you wait?" I mean, how does one really 'wait on the Lord'? The Lord answered this prayer. He said, "Occupy." Hmm, what does it mean to occupy? Although I've heard that term a lot recently like 'Occupy Wall Street' or 'Occupy the 99%', I decided to look up the term and found these definitions:
*To engage the attention or energies of or to take up (a place or extent in space). For example, 'This chair is occupied.' Also, to take or hold possession or control of. For instance, 'Enemy troops occupied the ridge.' Or to fill or perform the functions of like to reside in as an owner or be a tenant of. Finally, to garrison, annex, subjugate to colonize, overrun, and to hold.
Whoa, this is groundbreaking to me. There is a parallel here in what the Lord is revealing about receiving His blessings. Even more importantly, how this affects our faith and recognizing who we are in Christ. Thus, I believe this command to "occupy" is more than natural but it's supernatural. We're not only to occupy and subdue the earth but to occupy and subdue the supernatural realm. We are to literally inhabitant the promises of God!
So, I will decree, I will declare and I will say His Word. I will fill, be in, have and hold down a place once held as a stronghold in my mind and emotions by occupying my thoughts with memory verses related to peace and the promises of God. In doing so the region of my heart heart once occupied by fear and doubt is now claimed, captured and colonized by the power of God in me. I enlist with Christ to take possession of, hold, garrison, and inhabitant the vision and the promises which testify about the future He has planned for me! Can I get an "Amen!"(Jeremiah 29:11)
What 'territory' or promise has God spoken in your heart? What area of ministry do you sense a gifting in and an authority to steward? You may have a vision to start a school or business; to write a book or to travel and spread the Gospel. Perhaps the Lord has cast a vision in your heart to have a healing ministry or to start a family, naturally or through adoption - whatever it is, have faith and occupy it!
I declare today, that you who are reading this, will be fruitful in that which the Lord has spoken to you. You will be made to multiply in it, fill the earth with it and have dominion in and subdue it. That very vision and hope that God has given to you is yours, in Jesus' name, Amen.
“...be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion...” (Genesis 1:28).
Delight thyself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)
For we live by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).
Now Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, "Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from harm that it may not pain me!" And God granted him what he requested. (1 Chronicles 4:10)
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Sunday, August 7, 2016
She Wields A Sword: Ministry of the Innkeeper
She Wields A Sword: Ministry of the Innkeeper: I recently read the parable of the Good Samaritan and have come to the realization that the Lord could have been speaking of mankind and Him...
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Ministry of the Innkeeper
I recently read the parable of the Good Samaritan and have come to the realization that the Lord could have been speaking of mankind and Him. I mean that all of us at one time or another have fallen prey to the enemy's wiles and have been robbed and beaten out of our joy, peace, or health or finances, or know someone who has, as we've made our way along life's journey. Now, I've always considered the priest and the Levite the "bad guys" of the story being perhaps preoccupied with position, decorum and cultural tradition, or maybe just a schedule to keep, to stop and help.
However, what really caught my attention this time was the thought, am I like them? Have I been too preoccupied with schedules to keep, a sense of pride or even fear to stop and help another in need?
Well, we just heard a message last Sunday that ministry can be messy - and it's inconvenient. But, thank God for Jesus. Like the Samaritan, He took pity on me and bandaged my wounds - our wounds - the emotional wounds and more importantly the spiritual wound. He's poured His oil of gladness and the Holy Spirit's anointing upon me, and with the wine of new life has rescued me. So He's already done the inconvenient thing; at the Cross.
I suppose we can place ourselves in the position of any of these characters whether it be the man robbed or the Levite, the priest, or the Samaritan or even the Innkeeper, and then do as Jesus would have us do.
So my question is not so much anymore am I like the Levite or the priest or can I do like the Samaritan, but can I be like the Innkeeper? Can I take the denarii or the gifts He's bestowed and entrusted to me, to love and care for those He has rescued until He returns?
“In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’ “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” Luke 10:30-36 NIV
"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me." Matthew 25:40
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27
“Tend (nurture, guard, guide, and fold) the flock of God that is [your responsibility], not by coercion or constraint, but willingly; not dishonorably motivated by the advantages and profits [belonging to the office], but eagerly and cheerfully; 1 Peter 5:2
However, what really caught my attention this time was the thought, am I like them? Have I been too preoccupied with schedules to keep, a sense of pride or even fear to stop and help another in need?
Well, we just heard a message last Sunday that ministry can be messy - and it's inconvenient. But, thank God for Jesus. Like the Samaritan, He took pity on me and bandaged my wounds - our wounds - the emotional wounds and more importantly the spiritual wound. He's poured His oil of gladness and the Holy Spirit's anointing upon me, and with the wine of new life has rescued me. So He's already done the inconvenient thing; at the Cross.
I suppose we can place ourselves in the position of any of these characters whether it be the man robbed or the Levite, the priest, or the Samaritan or even the Innkeeper, and then do as Jesus would have us do.
So my question is not so much anymore am I like the Levite or the priest or can I do like the Samaritan, but can I be like the Innkeeper? Can I take the denarii or the gifts He's bestowed and entrusted to me, to love and care for those He has rescued until He returns?
“In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’ “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” Luke 10:30-36 NIV
"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me." Matthew 25:40
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27
“Tend (nurture, guard, guide, and fold) the flock of God that is [your responsibility], not by coercion or constraint, but willingly; not dishonorably motivated by the advantages and profits [belonging to the office], but eagerly and cheerfully; 1 Peter 5:2
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Are We There Yet?
Have you ever felt like you've gone around the block a million times and the scenery isn't changing? Has it ever seemed as if you were in the wilderness making many trips around the mountain? I can truly say that I have. Even more bewildering are my thoughts and emotions at times where I've glanced back over my shoulder, longing for the Egypt I was delivered from because of how long it seemed to be taking to just, get there! I feel like a kid in the back seat of a car on a road trip asking, “Are we there yet, are we there yet?"
Thankfully, by the Lord’s grace, He's enabled me to continue this journey, buckle down and stay the course. It’s not a time to put it in ‘park’ but now is the time to move forward. It's the season of breakthrough and yet it is the season of rest - resting in His provision and resting on His promises.
Today His Grace is upon us to be successful at moving on and I will strike while the iron is hot. I will move through the open door. Surely is a good thing to reach out to the open hand of our Lord and obtain the blessing while it is open and let Him lead us and guide us. He can lead and guide because He knows the way - He's made the way! He IS THE WAY.
The Angel of the Lord is stirring the pool of Bethesda and I will step down into its waters and be healed. Do we trust Him? Most certainly He will bless us and lead us all the way into the Promised Land.
It is written, He knows the plans He has for us. Plans to bless and prosperous us and not to harm us. To give us hope and future. Jeremiah 29:11
Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be. Job 8:7
For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing; and all the trees of the fields shall clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12
Thankfully, by the Lord’s grace, He's enabled me to continue this journey, buckle down and stay the course. It’s not a time to put it in ‘park’ but now is the time to move forward. It's the season of breakthrough and yet it is the season of rest - resting in His provision and resting on His promises.
Today His Grace is upon us to be successful at moving on and I will strike while the iron is hot. I will move through the open door. Surely is a good thing to reach out to the open hand of our Lord and obtain the blessing while it is open and let Him lead us and guide us. He can lead and guide because He knows the way - He's made the way! He IS THE WAY.
The Angel of the Lord is stirring the pool of Bethesda and I will step down into its waters and be healed. Do we trust Him? Most certainly He will bless us and lead us all the way into the Promised Land.
It is written, He knows the plans He has for us. Plans to bless and prosperous us and not to harm us. To give us hope and future. Jeremiah 29:11
Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be. Job 8:7
For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing; and all the trees of the fields shall clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Unique or Like Others?
After many weeks of busy activities such as travel, commitments, and conferences, I have been attempting to fine-tune my energy output and obtain balance in my life. You see I began to wonder again if this pace and this fatigue level was really leading me in the right direction to what the Lord is calling for me to do? Is what I've been experiencing just the hard work that goes along with the 'program' and I just need to lean into it and keep going? Or am I just spinning my wheels and need to rethink my approach?
You see, I have been passing through a wilderness season (in the exodus from my Egypt-captivity of addiction and abuse) of my life, to cross over my 'Jordan' or place of decision and learning to trust the Lord, in order to resolve to never look back, and to slay my 'giants' of shame and rejection up ahead in my personal Jericho. Then on to enter my promised land – my place of peace and rest and provision from God.
Then, after lots of prayer, seeking advice, and searching the Word, with the Holy Spirit's help, I was able to pause, be still, and listen to what the Lord was saying to me for this next chapter of my life. And so it was. I happened across this book called *Soul Print by Mark Batterson that began:
"There has never been and never will be anyone else like you. But that isn’t a testament to you. It’s a testament to the God who created you. You are unlike anyone who has ever lived. But that uniqueness isn’t a virtue. It’s a responsibility. Uniqueness is God’s gift to you, and uniqueness is your gift to God. You owe it to yourself to be yourself. But more important, you owe it to the One who designed you and destined you."
I am in awestruck wonder at the goodness and the mightiness of our God! Thank you for answered prayer! How wrong I was to think it would be easier to conform and to become what others expected me to be. Fear of being unique, as he would say later in the chapter, is hypocrisy at it's worse.
So I give thanks to God for clarity, direction and for inspiration, and I pray and if you are so inclined, join along with me, "Praise the Lord. Jesus I thank you. God Who made the heavens and You made the earth. Lord of heaven's order, King of Kings and Lord of lords. God of all creation, Master of the universe and Darling of heaven. You are the Lover of my soul and champion of souls - our Consummator and my Liberator. You are the God that created the sun and the moon and the stars, and you also created me. You are the God that completes that which you start and You will perfect that which concerns me. Amen"
“Alas, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! There is nothing too hard or too wonderful for You–”
Jeremiah 32:17 AMP
The LORD will complete what his purpose is for me. LORD, your gracious love is eternal; do not abandon your personal work in me.
Psalm 138:8
*Soul Print by Mark Batterson
You see, I have been passing through a wilderness season (in the exodus from my Egypt-captivity of addiction and abuse) of my life, to cross over my 'Jordan' or place of decision and learning to trust the Lord, in order to resolve to never look back, and to slay my 'giants' of shame and rejection up ahead in my personal Jericho. Then on to enter my promised land – my place of peace and rest and provision from God.
Then, after lots of prayer, seeking advice, and searching the Word, with the Holy Spirit's help, I was able to pause, be still, and listen to what the Lord was saying to me for this next chapter of my life. And so it was. I happened across this book called *Soul Print by Mark Batterson that began:
"There has never been and never will be anyone else like you. But that isn’t a testament to you. It’s a testament to the God who created you. You are unlike anyone who has ever lived. But that uniqueness isn’t a virtue. It’s a responsibility. Uniqueness is God’s gift to you, and uniqueness is your gift to God. You owe it to yourself to be yourself. But more important, you owe it to the One who designed you and destined you."
I am in awestruck wonder at the goodness and the mightiness of our God! Thank you for answered prayer! How wrong I was to think it would be easier to conform and to become what others expected me to be. Fear of being unique, as he would say later in the chapter, is hypocrisy at it's worse.
So I give thanks to God for clarity, direction and for inspiration, and I pray and if you are so inclined, join along with me, "Praise the Lord. Jesus I thank you. God Who made the heavens and You made the earth. Lord of heaven's order, King of Kings and Lord of lords. God of all creation, Master of the universe and Darling of heaven. You are the Lover of my soul and champion of souls - our Consummator and my Liberator. You are the God that created the sun and the moon and the stars, and you also created me. You are the God that completes that which you start and You will perfect that which concerns me. Amen"
“Alas, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! There is nothing too hard or too wonderful for You–”
Jeremiah 32:17 AMP
The LORD will complete what his purpose is for me. LORD, your gracious love is eternal; do not abandon your personal work in me.
Psalm 138:8
*Soul Print by Mark Batterson
Monday, July 4, 2016
Independence Day
Last night as I laid down to sleep I said to myself, "Over the course of years I have waiting a long time for different relationships in my life to turn around." (significant others, family etc.) The Holy Spirit unexpectedly said to me, "Waited? That's called denial." Whoa. Talk about a reality check!
Wikipedia defines Reality as the state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined or hope they are – emphasis mine. In the past I had believed the lie that said what's real is only painful so I must cling to 'make-believe' truths. So for years I pursued this fantasy or that, like an addict chases their next fix, of finally being able to arrive in order to be in the right 'space'. Soon however pain, disappointment, and regret would replace the temporary rush of high feeling that my fantasy life provided because there was no reality, truth or bases to the future I was trying to create for myself.
Thus, my prayer today is, "Lord give me a supernatural ability to accept and believe the truth and to come out denial. Even Jesus said to Peter about believing, "Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 16:17) Therefore, it truly is a gift to believe the truth, and I don't want to take that lightly or take it for granted.
Going a little further, in reality, the truth can be about good things and is not always something that is hard to swallow. So today, I accept the truth, God's truth - I have been liberated. I have decided to walk out of the 'wilderness' and receive, whole heartedly and without reservations, the life God has for me. This I know requires trust and I ask for and receive His strength and power to do it.
Wow, talk about Independence Day!
“you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32 GNB
“For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead, his Spirit fills us with power, love, and self-control.”
2 Timothy 1:7 GNB
Wikipedia defines Reality as the state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined or hope they are – emphasis mine. In the past I had believed the lie that said what's real is only painful so I must cling to 'make-believe' truths. So for years I pursued this fantasy or that, like an addict chases their next fix, of finally being able to arrive in order to be in the right 'space'. Soon however pain, disappointment, and regret would replace the temporary rush of high feeling that my fantasy life provided because there was no reality, truth or bases to the future I was trying to create for myself.
Thus, my prayer today is, "Lord give me a supernatural ability to accept and believe the truth and to come out denial. Even Jesus said to Peter about believing, "Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 16:17) Therefore, it truly is a gift to believe the truth, and I don't want to take that lightly or take it for granted.
Going a little further, in reality, the truth can be about good things and is not always something that is hard to swallow. So today, I accept the truth, God's truth - I have been liberated. I have decided to walk out of the 'wilderness' and receive, whole heartedly and without reservations, the life God has for me. This I know requires trust and I ask for and receive His strength and power to do it.
Wow, talk about Independence Day!
“you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32 GNB
“For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead, his Spirit fills us with power, love, and self-control.”
2 Timothy 1:7 GNB
Saturday, June 11, 2016
The Oil of Gladness!
In recent days I've prayed to the Lord for greater joy and peace. After all this was my birthday week and I had anticipated a day filled with fun activities and making great memories. And it was nice. Many friends and loved ones sent thoughtful greetings and I was treated to lunch at one of my favorite Indian buffets then on to a full-body acupressure massage and pedicure - aaaah. However, at the end of the day, as I laid down to sleep, I felt a twinge of sadness and had to ask myself, "Hmm, what is this about?" After all having a play-date with my friend enjoying a vacation day with pay!
In the morning though the feelings returned and so I prayed to the Lord about them. I poured myself my favorite flavored coffee and turned on my most loved praise playlist but by mid-afternoon I had to step away from my desk. I just couldn't shake it off and needed to intercede on my own behalf and boldly asked the Father for an anointing of happiness. I wasn't even sure if one could ask for such a thing because I know Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world." So I decided to be a big girl and to just get over it! Still, I hoped I wasn't asking for too much. However, it was at that sincere point of prayer that an anointing of strength and peace entered my mind and spirit and it became clear to me, for the first time, that joy is one of the gifts of the Spirit given to us by the Lord. Amen!
Now I know about the gifts of tongues, of healing, and of eternal life. We have learned and know that it was by the Holy Spirit that Jesus rose from the grave and that that same Spirit that now lives and in resides in us who are Believers. It's just that it is news to me that there is actually a gift of the Spirit - or an anointing - to free us from sad feelings. It is called the Oil of Gladness.
In Charles Spurgeon's article, The Oil of Gladness, I read, "The divine Spirit has many attributes, and his benign influences operate in divers ways, bestowing upon us benefits of various kinds, too numerous for us to attempt to catalogue them. Amongst these is his comforting and cheering influence. "The fruit of the Spirit is joy." In Acts 13:52 we read, "The disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost." Wherever he comes as an anointing, whether upon the Lord or upon his people, upon the Christ or the Christians, upon the Anointed or upon those whom he anoints, in every case the ultimate result is joy and peace. On the head of our great High Priest he is joy, and this oil of gladness flows down to the skirts of his garments. To the Comforter, therefore, we ascribe "the oil of gladness."
Wow, how awesome! We shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free. His Word is the Sword of the Spirit and I take it to wield at the very root of those feelings. Thank you Lord for I have received the best birthday gift of all!
"THE SPIRIT of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to preach the Gospel of good tidings to the meek, the poor, and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the [physical and spiritual] captives and the opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound,"
Isaiah 61:1
You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness. That is why God, your God, anointed you rather than your companions with the oil of gladness
Hebrews 1:9
Charles Spurgeon 'The Oil of Gladness'
In the morning though the feelings returned and so I prayed to the Lord about them. I poured myself my favorite flavored coffee and turned on my most loved praise playlist but by mid-afternoon I had to step away from my desk. I just couldn't shake it off and needed to intercede on my own behalf and boldly asked the Father for an anointing of happiness. I wasn't even sure if one could ask for such a thing because I know Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world." So I decided to be a big girl and to just get over it! Still, I hoped I wasn't asking for too much. However, it was at that sincere point of prayer that an anointing of strength and peace entered my mind and spirit and it became clear to me, for the first time, that joy is one of the gifts of the Spirit given to us by the Lord. Amen!
Now I know about the gifts of tongues, of healing, and of eternal life. We have learned and know that it was by the Holy Spirit that Jesus rose from the grave and that that same Spirit that now lives and in resides in us who are Believers. It's just that it is news to me that there is actually a gift of the Spirit - or an anointing - to free us from sad feelings. It is called the Oil of Gladness.
In Charles Spurgeon's article, The Oil of Gladness, I read, "The divine Spirit has many attributes, and his benign influences operate in divers ways, bestowing upon us benefits of various kinds, too numerous for us to attempt to catalogue them. Amongst these is his comforting and cheering influence. "The fruit of the Spirit is joy." In Acts 13:52 we read, "The disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost." Wherever he comes as an anointing, whether upon the Lord or upon his people, upon the Christ or the Christians, upon the Anointed or upon those whom he anoints, in every case the ultimate result is joy and peace. On the head of our great High Priest he is joy, and this oil of gladness flows down to the skirts of his garments. To the Comforter, therefore, we ascribe "the oil of gladness."
Wow, how awesome! We shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free. His Word is the Sword of the Spirit and I take it to wield at the very root of those feelings. Thank you Lord for I have received the best birthday gift of all!
"THE SPIRIT of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to preach the Gospel of good tidings to the meek, the poor, and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the [physical and spiritual] captives and the opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound,"
Isaiah 61:1
You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness. That is why God, your God, anointed you rather than your companions with the oil of gladness
Hebrews 1:9
Charles Spurgeon 'The Oil of Gladness'
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Question. Have you ever been to a new restaurant and found you were not able to make a decision on what to order - you know, what you'd be satisfied with? Heads up, I'm that one! I've tarried long over menus finding it hard to decide. For example, I discovered a new restaurant the other day called 'Lemonade'. After seeing all the choices and checking out the menu for quite a while, it was hard to decide. Everything looked so good! I gazed at the display of items and asked a few questions, but was still unable to choose what to order. I was unsure of what I would eventually like. I finally settled on a few items and they tasted fine but after all was said and done (or eaten!) I wasn't completely satisfied and knew the next time I came I would order something new.
Thinking about it I find it it's been that way in life! As I searched for the will of God for me and as I worked at this job or that; taking a class or signing up for some new training, over time I found that even though I had grown and learned new things, I was not quite satisfied with what I had 'ordered' and eventually decided to change course. All the while in the back of my mind hoping that I wasn't overlooking some great opportunity or missing my 'appointed time'.
However I was always on course. All the things I've done, everything I've experienced and everything I have learned - and most importantly every prayer that I have been praying and the grace God has been showing me is bringing me to an appointed time. You see every step I have taken has been ordered by the Lord, and has been bringing me closer to what He wants to do in and through me. Amen!
So as we are continuing to seek His will, listening to His Holy Spirit and praying consistently in line for where He's leading us, Jesus is confirming exactly what to do and the results will be increasingly satisfying. How good is to know that we are in the will of God and to know that our efforts are in step with His Spirit and we are moving in the right direction!
So I'm encouraged! Even though 'I' didn't know in the past what to ask for in prayer or what to do for my life, the Lord has always been right here, ordering for me, making sure my joy will be full and the will of the Father be done. Hallelujah!
“Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” John 16:24 NIV
“The very steps we take come from GOD; otherwise how would we know where we’re going?”
Proverbs 20:24 MSG
“The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step].”
Psalm 37:23 AMP
“And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left.”
Isaiah 30:21 AMP
“For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay.”
Habakkuk 2:3 NASB
Thinking about it I find it it's been that way in life! As I searched for the will of God for me and as I worked at this job or that; taking a class or signing up for some new training, over time I found that even though I had grown and learned new things, I was not quite satisfied with what I had 'ordered' and eventually decided to change course. All the while in the back of my mind hoping that I wasn't overlooking some great opportunity or missing my 'appointed time'.
However I was always on course. All the things I've done, everything I've experienced and everything I have learned - and most importantly every prayer that I have been praying and the grace God has been showing me is bringing me to an appointed time. You see every step I have taken has been ordered by the Lord, and has been bringing me closer to what He wants to do in and through me. Amen!
So as we are continuing to seek His will, listening to His Holy Spirit and praying consistently in line for where He's leading us, Jesus is confirming exactly what to do and the results will be increasingly satisfying. How good is to know that we are in the will of God and to know that our efforts are in step with His Spirit and we are moving in the right direction!
So I'm encouraged! Even though 'I' didn't know in the past what to ask for in prayer or what to do for my life, the Lord has always been right here, ordering for me, making sure my joy will be full and the will of the Father be done. Hallelujah!
“Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” John 16:24 NIV
“The very steps we take come from GOD; otherwise how would we know where we’re going?”
Proverbs 20:24 MSG
“The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step].”
Psalm 37:23 AMP
“And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left.”
Isaiah 30:21 AMP
“For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay.”
Habakkuk 2:3 NASB
Monday, May 30, 2016
It is Love
I was so fearful yesterday. Actually I felt fearful for the last couple of days. I had spoken with someone who brought me information about someone else and it didn't settle well in my spirit. It wasn't any bad news at all but it was just the way they relayed it, sort of like, "I know something you don't know," and it resulted in feelings and emotions of trembling fear and doubt. Fears that my prayers weren't going to be answered therefore I was being presumptuous in my position in Christ.
Fast forward, there I was on Sunday at the altar, praying for strength, courage and victory in Christ. Being the author of a blog about taking an axe to the root of shame and rejection, there I was standing with feelings of shame and rejection!
What is that about? Is it that fear is at the root of shame rejection? Is it that the Lord is allowing me to be tried? You know, sort of like, "You talk the talk, so can you walk the walk?" Is it that my foundation in the love of Christ is being 'field tested'? I will give a resounding, "Yes"!
Praying about this I came across a devotion that read, Our heavenly Father sent his Son to die for our sins and weaknesses. And without fully knowing and fully understanding that kind of love to you, you will never have a stable or permanent foundation!*
Wow! Well then I can honestly say I am thankful that the Lord has tested me and proven my foundation to be tried and true. I am fully rooted and grounded in the love of Christ and it is His LOVE that casts out all fear. It is LOVE that takes an axe to the root of shame and it is LOVE that swings the axe 'spot on' at the root of rejection.
I'm grateful for the storm. I know that Jesus is the 'I' in the storm. He is the calm and stillness in the mist of what seems to be spinning out of control – my resolute position in Christ, for it is His love that has saved me and it is His love that will sustain me.
Love, love, love!
I pray that out of the riches of His glory, He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to comprehend the length and width and height and depth of His love,…
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear:
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."
Noted source:
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Sometimes a little discomfort is good. For example, early the other morning I was trying to fall back asleep but my back was hurting. It did not matter what side I laid on or which way I turned my neck, I could not get to sleep again - the pain and discomfort was too great. I had to get up. But I am glad I did.
As it was, once I was up, stretched and got moving, the pain began to dissipate. I opened up the Word and prayed as I began what I thought would be my usual morning routine. However, it was anything but! In the quiet of the twilight, without any distractions, the Lord spoke to me an encouraging word, answered my prayers and inspired me in a fresh and unexpected new way. I soon realized how blessed I was for that pain!
Isn't it the same case with the eagle teaching it's eaglet how to fly? She removes all the comfy down feathers in the nest she once painstakingly laid to now get the chick up and out of the nest? She knows the baby eagle has wings to fly and has a great expanse of the heavens just waiting for it to explore. So she methodically removes everything that at one time made the nest so comfortable (and necessary for that stage of development) in order to motivate the eaglet to get up, stretch its wings, and do what it was born to do - soar. And so are we!
So it is true for Eagles as it it with us, as the saying goes, "We only change when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing." And I know the Lord is saying it is not business usual; Behold I do a new thing. (Isaiah 43:19)
So, I thank God for a little discomfort. I have renewed strength and am inspired and reignited for the journey ahead. The sky's the limit and He has given me hope!
And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.
The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
I went out to shop after work again and felt horrible. I've experienced this for a while now and I believe it's a distraction from the enemy. (Not the feeling horribly but the habitual shopping!) Hitting corners or as the saying goes, "Shop till you drop." The only thing that was missing from this picture was the bumper sticker, 'I break for Sales!' So I prayed and asked the Lord, what's wrong? He said, Your days of wondering are over." And that's what I've been doing for years. If I'm not in the stores I'm off to this meeting or that meeting, attending this conference or that conference.
Well, I definitely need to put the brakes on and even though I know I've entered into a Sabbath season and a year of Jubilee, I admit it's been difficult to put it into park. Ripping and running has been my modus operandi for as long as I can remember.
Maybe I feel like I have to be doing something to be okay and not just wasting time. Perhaps it's the root of rejection's fruit (fear) budding again with the habitual feelings of needing to perform in hopes of being viable and worthy. Honestly, I am finding it a challenge to 'dial it down' a bit and change this compulsively busy lifestyle.
But it's a new season and a new day and the Lord has said, "Behold, I do a new thing." Alright, how do I behold it? Perhaps if I just accepted God's grace and power in every area of my life - not just for salvation and for sobriety but also for my daily routines, for my temperament and for my personality and to always believe He's got it all under control. Surely then I could just...relax!
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, so that in due time He may exalt you. Cast all your anxietyon Him, because He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:6-7
Well, I definitely need to put the brakes on and even though I know I've entered into a Sabbath season and a year of Jubilee, I admit it's been difficult to put it into park. Ripping and running has been my modus operandi for as long as I can remember.
Maybe I feel like I have to be doing something to be okay and not just wasting time. Perhaps it's the root of rejection's fruit (fear) budding again with the habitual feelings of needing to perform in hopes of being viable and worthy. Honestly, I am finding it a challenge to 'dial it down' a bit and change this compulsively busy lifestyle.
But it's a new season and a new day and the Lord has said, "Behold, I do a new thing." Alright, how do I behold it? Perhaps if I just accepted God's grace and power in every area of my life - not just for salvation and for sobriety but also for my daily routines, for my temperament and for my personality and to always believe He's got it all under control. Surely then I could just...relax!
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, so that in due time He may exalt you. Cast all your anxietyon Him, because He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:6-7
Saturday, May 7, 2016
There's a saying by Victor Hugo that speaks of a bird perched on a fragile branch. She sings away - a song heartfelt and sweet - though she is aware the branch beneath her is breaking, she knows she has wings.
I know she trusts in what her Maker has given her, wings, and I trust in the Lord Himself and what He's promised to give me in His Word. He's promised to give me hope and a future. For faithful is He that calls me and also will perform it. And He that has begun a good work in me has promised to perfect it, Amen!
Oh the joy of confidently singing hymns of praise and worship to the Lord in Whom I've placed my trust, as my branch (issues) bend in the wind and threaten to break with the weight of my cares and everyday trials. To encourage and edify myself at all times and in every circumstance.
Oh to be like that bird!
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
Ephesians 5:19
Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5
Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it.
Psalm 37:5
So that your trust may be in the LORD, I have taught you today, even you.
Proverbs 22:19
I know she trusts in what her Maker has given her, wings, and I trust in the Lord Himself and what He's promised to give me in His Word. He's promised to give me hope and a future. For faithful is He that calls me and also will perform it. And He that has begun a good work in me has promised to perfect it, Amen!
Oh the joy of confidently singing hymns of praise and worship to the Lord in Whom I've placed my trust, as my branch (issues) bend in the wind and threaten to break with the weight of my cares and everyday trials. To encourage and edify myself at all times and in every circumstance.
Oh to be like that bird!
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
Ephesians 5:19
Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5
Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it.
Psalm 37:5
So that your trust may be in the LORD, I have taught you today, even you.
Proverbs 22:19
Saturday, April 30, 2016
God is a Consuming Fire
"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.”
Hebrews 12:28–29
I have been reading in a book called 'Come to Gilgal for the Circumcision of the Heart' by Dr. Purnell Hewing. In this book she talks about the believer and how we must allow the Holy Ghost to eliminate deep-rooted sins buried deep in the sin nature in order to cleanse the heart of sin (for we know it is written, "...out of the heart flow of the issues of life.")
So yes I am thankful and worship God because He indeed is a consuming fire but not only as I thought before. In my understanding then this consuming fire was something to be afraid of - to dread so "I better praise Him, or else!" But today this is not so. No, this is good thing and a joyous thing!
Now when I tremble its because of an overwhelming sense of awe and gratitude; my God truly is a consuming fire! He consumes my flesh and the dross with it. The dross of fear, insecurity, vanity, doubt and unbelief and burns it all off. Praise the Lord! My worship and thanksgiving to Him is for What He is and Who He is and what He can do and has done in my heart. Hallelujah!
Excerpted from "Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence" by Sarah Young
"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.”
Saturday, April 16, 2016
She Adorns Herself
The woman who fears and honors the Lord lives a life of gratitude and adorns herself with praise. This is a picture of the body of Christ. As a bride carefully chooses her raiment to please her husband - the groom, we also skillfully put on garments that please and honor the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.
For example we put on the garment of praise. As it is written, 'Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good: sing praises to his name; for it is pleasant.' Psalms 135:3. The woman who honors and respects the Lord carefully chooses her inward apparel as well. In 1 Peter 3:4 we learn that, '..she adorns herself with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit and is very precious in God's sight.'
Amen! God wants to see us happy.* Isaiah 61:3 says that He wants to "grant consolation and joy to those who mourn in Zion – to give them an ornament or garland or diadem of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment or expressiveness of praise instead of a heavy, burdened and failing spirit..."
Praise the Lord! Okay, so before I hit the gym today, tweeze another eyebrow or spend another 'paycheck', hello, on another miracle skin cream, I will adorn myself with a gentle and quiet spirit and put on my garments of praise! Hallelujah!
*Life Point, Every Day Life Bible
Joyce Meyer
For example we put on the garment of praise. As it is written, 'Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good: sing praises to his name; for it is pleasant.' Psalms 135:3. The woman who honors and respects the Lord carefully chooses her inward apparel as well. In 1 Peter 3:4 we learn that, '..she adorns herself with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit and is very precious in God's sight.'
Amen! God wants to see us happy.* Isaiah 61:3 says that He wants to "grant consolation and joy to those who mourn in Zion – to give them an ornament or garland or diadem of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment or expressiveness of praise instead of a heavy, burdened and failing spirit..."
Praise the Lord! Okay, so before I hit the gym today, tweeze another eyebrow or spend another 'paycheck', hello, on another miracle skin cream, I will adorn myself with a gentle and quiet spirit and put on my garments of praise! Hallelujah!
*Life Point, Every Day Life Bible
Joyce Meyer
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Approval – Addict
I need detox! I have been weary and I have asked God to tell me why am I so tired, worn out and exhausted. Is it because I have been doing more than He's called me to do? Question is then: why am I then, doing more than He's called me to do? Do I need to be validated? Do I want to earn man's approval and taking His for granted?
Therefore, I'm going to prayerfully consider this as an undertaking as I do the '12-step program':
Step One, I admit I've been a 'people-pleaser', that I'm powerless over my tendency to try to look good to others and therefore my life has become unmanageable.
Step Two, believe that the Lord will restore me to sanity, hallelujah!
Step Three, make a decision to turn my will and my life again over to the Lord (I'm feeling better already)
Step Four, make a searching, thorough, and fearless moral inventory (what's in me that thinks it's so important to impress others)
Step Five, admitted to God, to myself, and to another the exact nature of my 'wrongs' (basically the self-seeking actions to appear 'fly' - oh, does anyone still say that!)
Step Six, become entirely ready to have the The Lord remove all these 'wrongs'
Step Seven, Humbly ask Him to remove my shortcomings (the fear and everything I do in fear)
Step Eight, make a list of all the persons I have or am harming and become willing to make amends to them all (and get real)
Step Nine, make direct amends (apologize) to those persons wherever possible with the Lord's leading
Step Ten, continue to take personal inventory (self check ups) and when I'm wrong promptly confess it
Step Eleven, seek in prayer and meditation to improve my relationship with the Lord, and pray earnestly for knowledge of His will for me and the power to carry it out
Step Twelve, having experienced 'recovery' as a result of these Steps, I will share this message of 'recovery' to other 'Approval Addicts' and to practice these principles in every area of my life. Amen!
Whew, looks like I have some work to do, but thankfully, recovery is possible!
For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ. Galatians 1:10
On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts. 1 Thessalonians 2:4
Therefore, I'm going to prayerfully consider this as an undertaking as I do the '12-step program':
Step One, I admit I've been a 'people-pleaser', that I'm powerless over my tendency to try to look good to others and therefore my life has become unmanageable.
Step Two, believe that the Lord will restore me to sanity, hallelujah!
Step Three, make a decision to turn my will and my life again over to the Lord (I'm feeling better already)
Step Four, make a searching, thorough, and fearless moral inventory (what's in me that thinks it's so important to impress others)
Step Five, admitted to God, to myself, and to another the exact nature of my 'wrongs' (basically the self-seeking actions to appear 'fly' - oh, does anyone still say that!)
Step Six, become entirely ready to have the The Lord remove all these 'wrongs'
Step Seven, Humbly ask Him to remove my shortcomings (the fear and everything I do in fear)
Step Eight, make a list of all the persons I have or am harming and become willing to make amends to them all (and get real)
Step Nine, make direct amends (apologize) to those persons wherever possible with the Lord's leading
Step Ten, continue to take personal inventory (self check ups) and when I'm wrong promptly confess it
Step Eleven, seek in prayer and meditation to improve my relationship with the Lord, and pray earnestly for knowledge of His will for me and the power to carry it out
Step Twelve, having experienced 'recovery' as a result of these Steps, I will share this message of 'recovery' to other 'Approval Addicts' and to practice these principles in every area of my life. Amen!
Whew, looks like I have some work to do, but thankfully, recovery is possible!
For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ. Galatians 1:10
On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts. 1 Thessalonians 2:4
Saturday, April 2, 2016
God's Masterpiece - Me!
Last week at our Women's Fellowship, Pastor Madelyn gave us an outline of her message, "Affirming the Jewel". One of the points said "God considers you a masterpiece." Well after falling off my diet and my favorite jeans not fitting with my gray roots showing, I'm wasn't feeling much like a masterpiece! But I came to understand that day, thank God lol, being his masterpiece is so much more than that!
Being His masterpiece is not merely external creation, it's also my gifts, my talents, my personality, and my heart. My heart of love for Him and for others. And His blueprint design for me was drafted long ago, even before time began! Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 tells us, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them." Instead the enemy would have me thinking that all my choices for chocolate would tank all my efforts for perfection. Lies!
As Joyce Meyer asserted, "Just because you and I have made mistakes or have trouble in our lives does not mean that God's plan has changed, it's still there all we have to do is get back in it by trusting and obeying Him."
Thank you God for your plans for me and for making me perfect for exactly my purpose and for my destiny. Jeremiah 29:11
Friday, March 18, 2016
The Lord Is My Shepherd
How encouraged I am with Psalm 23. This is my assurance
and comfort today. These days of trial and emotional turmoil have
plagued me and have brought me to a place of distress. But though weeping may endure for a night, joy comes in the morning. *
The Lord is my shepherd, and I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures of peace and rest. He is restoring my soul - my mind, soul and emotions. He guides by His Word and by His Holy Spirit and I am righteous in His sight, in Christ Jesus.
And so now I perceive these days in the valley of the shadow of death as being a part of my journey along the path of recovery. I don't have to fear, as stinking thinking has told me to, because I'm not stuck and this is not my destination. He's with me and we're going somewhere. The Lord's rod and His staff (His Word and His Spirit) comfort me and protect me and are correcting and directing my paths and are ordering my steps, and He's orchestrating my healing, hallelujah.
He anoints my head - my thoughts, with the oil of gladness and they are blessed. My cup, the loving cup of my heart, overflows with joy! Surely goodness and mercy will follow me, as Jeremiah 29:11 promises, there is a reason to hope and my future is bright. Amen!
*Psalm 30:5
The Lord is my shepherd, and I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures of peace and rest. He is restoring my soul - my mind, soul and emotions. He guides by His Word and by His Holy Spirit and I am righteous in His sight, in Christ Jesus.
And so now I perceive these days in the valley of the shadow of death as being a part of my journey along the path of recovery. I don't have to fear, as stinking thinking has told me to, because I'm not stuck and this is not my destination. He's with me and we're going somewhere. The Lord's rod and His staff (His Word and His Spirit) comfort me and protect me and are correcting and directing my paths and are ordering my steps, and He's orchestrating my healing, hallelujah.
He anoints my head - my thoughts, with the oil of gladness and they are blessed. My cup, the loving cup of my heart, overflows with joy! Surely goodness and mercy will follow me, as Jeremiah 29:11 promises, there is a reason to hope and my future is bright. Amen!
*Psalm 30:5
Saturday, March 12, 2016
My feelings have been saying that I'm losing
steam, I'm off course and in danger of missing it. But God's promise in
Jeremiah 29 verse 11 reminds and comforts me again. I have assurance
that I will not forfeit His plans. His blessing to me today is "rest".
I am not going to miss it - for He knows the plans (the way, the course,
and each step towards and in the right direction to my unique
blessings) for my life. I can completely fall back in his arms – He will
not drop me or let me fall.
Jeremiah 29:11
My feelings aren't a good compass; Yes, I have been in the 'wilderness' but I am headed somewhere and in the right direction! Amen.
My feelings aren't a good compass; Yes, I have been in the 'wilderness' but I am headed somewhere and in the right direction! Amen.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Unconditional Love
I honestly have to admit that unconditional love is new to me. Since early in life I thought that I had to demonstrate my worthiness of love by doing something or by performing at a certain level, then I would receive approval - which I equated with love. And, since I didn't know the Lord I didn't even know what true love was. So, in truth, I wasn't really looking for love but actually trying to avoid rejection. What I didn't realize before was that unconditional love isn't about doing something it's about being someone; the beloved of the Lord.
Unconditional love comes from the Father. Unconditional love doesn't have to be earned, indeed it cannot be. This is great news! I no longer have to figure out what unconditional love is or how to love unconditionally, I just have to receive it!
“We love Him, because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19 AMP
Unconditional love comes from the Father. Unconditional love doesn't have to be earned, indeed it cannot be. This is great news! I no longer have to figure out what unconditional love is or how to love unconditionally, I just have to receive it!
“We love Him, because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19 AMP
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Trials, Temptations, and other Necessary Strength training
Wow, honestly, I've had a hard week. My mind was going everywhere about my work, my finances, my health, my family, my relationships or absence of some relationships. My emotions were down and I felt overwhelmed by life. And because the Word says that no temptation comes upon us that is not (already) common to man, I know somebody out there can relate to this. So I asked and kept asking the Lord for strength and deliverance and He led me today to read 1st Corinthians 10:13.
Wow, I don't think I have ever read these two verses quite this way before, seeing that idolatry may very well be an open invitation to temptation - and is the issue - I need to look at times of trial and temptation quite differently. I must be stronger. After all, I don't want to make it so easy for the enemy to take me to those rock-bottom places.
I need to fight like I've never fought before and I need to think like I haven't thought before!
13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. 14 Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.
Wow, I don't think I have ever read these two verses quite this way before, seeing that idolatry may very well be an open invitation to temptation - and is the issue - I need to look at times of trial and temptation quite differently. I must be stronger. After all, I don't want to make it so easy for the enemy to take me to those rock-bottom places.
I need to fight like I've never fought before and I need to think like I haven't thought before!
Saturday, February 20, 2016
I Am Betrothed to the Lord, and He is faithful.
Last night I watched the classic movie again called 'The Best Years of our Life'. I admire so much the love and strength of the women in this film and has now become another model to me of how to stand, as a wife, even when life's hardships occur – and they do occur. It is during these times of hardship that I have to shrug off the temptation to feel pity for myself and think back on my own marriage and how I behaved so differently. Today I am betrothed to the Lord - just as much as I was then, yet now consciously aware of this position of honor. I am the bride of Christ.
"Lord, help me to be consciencly aware of my betrothal to You. Help me to honor You as my First Love. Holy Spirit, thank You for drawing me close every moment, every hour, every day to Christ my Eternal Husband. I let go of all fear now and take authority over every lie and unkind label used to define singles and singleness, for it is written You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and of a sound mind, in Jesus name, Amen."
I can do this.
I exhort you too, Bride of Christ, He who calls you is faithful!
2 Timothy 1:7
1 Thessalonians 5:24
"Lord, help me to be consciencly aware of my betrothal to You. Help me to honor You as my First Love. Holy Spirit, thank You for drawing me close every moment, every hour, every day to Christ my Eternal Husband. I let go of all fear now and take authority over every lie and unkind label used to define singles and singleness, for it is written You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and of a sound mind, in Jesus name, Amen."
I can do this.
I exhort you too, Bride of Christ, He who calls you is faithful!
2 Timothy 1:7
1 Thessalonians 5:24
Saturday, February 13, 2016
H.O.P.E. Have Optimistic Perspectives in Everything
This week's 'Hello Ladies' check in is simple and is brief. To quote a popular phrase, "Keep hope alive!" is what the Holy Spirit has been saying all week - have hope. Being hopeful disarms depression's negative thoughts and honors the Lord. By just waking up to His presence and thanking Him for all is blessings (that are too many to count) such as having a restful nights sleep instead of pacing the floor. Like having peace of mind instead of hopeless despair, or like having another opportunity to bless someone - hope fuels us for another day and I have hope today for a new beginning.
He delighteth not in the strength of the horse: he taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man. The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy.” Psalms 147:3, 10-11 KJV
Be blessed, have hope!
He delighteth not in the strength of the horse: he taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man. The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy.” Psalms 147:3, 10-11 KJV
Be blessed, have hope!
Saturday, February 6, 2016
We Walk By Faith and Not By Sight
Today as soon as I woke up, my mind began to dart here and in there, back and forth and about this and that. My heart soon followed suit in familiar fashion with fears and worries, frets and concerns. I quickly fell to my knees in prayer, not wanting the enemy to get a foothold in my day, and asked the Lord to sort out all my needs and to work out all my concerns. Yet the Holy Spirit did not respond to my invitation to be my instant 'problem-solver' and relieve my anxious heart. It was then that I realized I was not 'allowing' the peace of God to rule and reign in me by not walking by faith but instead I was trying to 'see' the solutions to my problems.
Isn't that so 'human' though to demand quick answers to seek instant relief? It is very common for many to inquire of the fortuneteller and the palm reader and to ask the question, "What sign are you?", to get answers to and work out what puzzles them. I see more storefront-crystal-ball reading shops than ever before!
But we are called not to be so but to be different! Jesus said in Luke 12:22-32, I paraphrase, seek after the kingdom of God, that place of peace in relation to Him, and all these things you're concerned about will be taken care of. Praise God!
So, I stand corrected. Thank you Lord Jesus, for as 2 Corinthians 5:7 says, we (I) walk by faith and not by sight!
Isn't that so 'human' though to demand quick answers to seek instant relief? It is very common for many to inquire of the fortuneteller and the palm reader and to ask the question, "What sign are you?", to get answers to and work out what puzzles them. I see more storefront-crystal-ball reading shops than ever before!
But we are called not to be so but to be different! Jesus said in Luke 12:22-32, I paraphrase, seek after the kingdom of God, that place of peace in relation to Him, and all these things you're concerned about will be taken care of. Praise God!
So, I stand corrected. Thank you Lord Jesus, for as 2 Corinthians 5:7 says, we (I) walk by faith and not by sight!
Saturday, January 30, 2016
He's Tailor-made
I've found that Jesus is all that I need and is perfectly suited to my needs. Whether I am sick in body or emotions and deeply troubled and need peace, Jesus meets me right where I am and He heals me with 'Himself'. For instance, He is called:
Jehovah - Rapha The LORD who heals.
Psalms 103:3 "Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;"
Jehovah - Shalom The LORD our Peace.
John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." Have the 'Jesus kind of peace'.
So, how can Jesus our Lord meet you exactly where you are today? Are you in want? Do you hunger for direction and guidance? Please be comforted and know that His name also is:
Jehovah - Jireh The LORD will provide.
Philippians 4:19 "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
Jehovah - Roi The LORD my shepherd.
Psalms 23:1 "A Psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want."
Amen?! I'm so glad He's able and He is Tailor-made.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Be Glad for the Bad
Contemplating and meditating this morning, I see that pain and the shame of the past is finally ebbing away. Because I reckon that if I had not known the bondage of addiction, I wouldn't have an appreciation of the freedom of sobriety. If I hadn't known the loneliness of isolation, I would not honor or recognize a true friend and if my heart had never been broken, I wouldn't know the rhapsody of a God-kissed union. And if sin had not so separated me from the Lord, I would not hold so precious this loving relationship and acceptance I been given through Christ today. Yes, I can honestly say, I'm glad for the bad!
..if it had not been for the Law, I should not have recognized sin or have known its meaning. [For instance] I would not have known about covetousness [would have had no consciousness of sin or sense of guilt] if the Law had not [repeatedly] said, You shall not covet and have an evil desire [for one thing and another]. Romans 7:5-7
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
Romans 8:28
..if it had not been for the Law, I should not have recognized sin or have known its meaning. [For instance] I would not have known about covetousness [would have had no consciousness of sin or sense of guilt] if the Law had not [repeatedly] said, You shall not covet and have an evil desire [for one thing and another]. Romans 7:5-7
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
Romans 8:28
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Be Comforted, Be Encouraged!
Hello Ladies,
As the prophet said in Isaiah 61:2,The Spirit of the Lord has anointed me to comfort those who mourn and to proclaim the year and season of God's deliverance, I too see as you may also be experiencing that this is our year of Jubilee!! He has promised us freedom from strongholds, drugs, alcohol and from mind-controlling thoughts that have depressed us and made us feel frustrated and defeated.
Therefore, the time has come for us to take captive (arrest, in the name of Jesus) those things that have held us prisoner. For example, things like the thoughts that I can never stop smoking, or I can never stop drinking or overeating, or I will never be loved. Those are lies. They are the lying thoughts from the enemy. For the truth of the Word says that, by 'Christ stripes we have been healed.' Isaiah 53:5 And I am created in the image of God, (which is light and beauty) and that He will give us all things pertaining to life - like having love. Amen?
Therefore, I've decided to keep the door to the enemy closed and keep my mind free from his lies. 1 Peter 5:8 says that he roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour with thoughts about your self image and that God is not looking out for our best interests. Romans 8:34
So today when those thoughts come to me I am going to cast them down according to
2 Corinthians 10:5 and I will remind myself that:
Number 1 - God created me and He loves me.
Number 2 - That I have faults and weaknesses but I do want to change and I believe God is working in my life and on my behalf, changing me bit by bit, little by little, one day at a time.
Number 3 - That I am in right standing with God through Jesus Christ. *
Be encouraged Ladies, I love you and so does the Lord.
Have a super duper weekend!
Sister Allison
* Excerpted from Joyce Meyers 'Everyday Life' Bible - 'Keeping Your Balance'
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