Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Valley

In this blog I have talked about a lot of things. Some topics have been nice, some have been sweet, and all have been nicely wrapped up into a neat 'scriptural bow'. But actually and candidly speaking, I've been in a place of disarray that has been anything but tidy, spic or span. It's been bitter and felt gritty. May I explain? 

First let me say that I have found that when one writes a blog, column or a devotion you want to inspire, encourage and maybe even entertain your readers. You at least don't want to lose your audience. So you attempt to sound witty, be profound and always say something positive.  For example, when I have experienced a distressing event or felt depressed, I endeavored to talk about how I found a verse in the Word that brought light to my situation or how I received encouragement in an unlikely way and everyone lived happily ever after, as the saying goes. It's like I have been compelled to put a happy 'Facebook-ish' post in each blog and conclude with a warm and fuzzy Snapchat grin.

Not today my friends, there will be no "Don't you wanna be like me?", Instagram photos or stirring "This revolution will not be televised," epilogues here. No, because that has rarely been my reality and it's never that simple and answers to my prayers have seldom come quickly. 

So to keep it real – straight 100 - as the saying goes, and to be sincere, I've been in a valley. It has been the valley of decision and the valley of the shadow of death. Grief, depression and loss. Not so pretty words right? However, it is an honest appraisal of what I been going through. 

But you know what I have learned? If things had not been so bad I wouldn't have the appreciation of how good my God is. If I hadn't carried such a heavy burden I wouldn't cherish the lightness of His yoke. He's been doing the heavy lifting ya'll. And what I've also realized is that in the valley is where the rain falls and the water pools. It's where the washing occurs and it's where the meadow is most green.

Here is the path to the higher life: down, lower down! Just as water always seeks and fills the lowest place, so the moment God finds men abased and empty, His glory and power flow in to exalt and to bless.” 
― Andrew MurrayHumility

Saturday, January 21, 2017


At the beginning of this year I had determined to see some drastic changes take place in my life. You know, "Out with the old and in with the new?" But, can I get honest? Since January1st I haven't felt so motivated or even been very disciplined. It's kind of like my 'get up and go' has got up and went. I have been stuck.  So I asked the Lord, "What's up?"  His answer surprised me - unforgiveness.

Unforgiveness, me?! And what is it about unforgiveness that’s causing me to stay stuck anyway? Is it because I can't be truly thankful for all the Lord has done for me and how He has forgiven me when I'm not really letting other people's past transgressions go? Ouch!

Now, maybe I'm taking a leap here but since the Word says, And they overcame him (the enemy) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; (Revelation 12:11) and another leap, during Passover, the hyssop was used to apply the blood on the doorposts so that death would  passover, it worked.  They were saved – they were delivered.  Okay, then since I'm looking for answers to get past this "stuckness" I will go a little further and ask why was hyssop used to apply the blood?  I understand the power of the blood but why use hyssop? Was it merely because it was readily available to the Hebrews or maybe the Lord had a more profound purpose. Perhaps a far reaching and deeper meaning can be applied to our lives today?  I think so.  Hyssop, a herb from the mint family, is aromatic, bushy and wild,  just like our praise should be.

Therefore, I believe my unrestrained, sweet-smelling and undignified wild and thankful praise (my testimony) offered to the Lord of what the  blood of Jesus has done for me, like my sobriety, deliverance, redemption and forgiveness will cover, save and deliver me - and get and keep me unstuck, hallelujah!

All right, here I go, "I am forgiven, whoa! I forgive others and I forgive myself too!  Yes! Thank You Jesus, thank you!"

In Him [Christ] we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. (Ephesians 1:7)

Sunday, January 8, 2017

A Truly Happy and Prosperous, New Year

Happy New and Prosperous Year to you, Beloved of the Lord!

 Looking back over this past year, as you have surely read in my blog, I have had my share of bouts feeling  'blue'. I cried out to the Lord in prayer and asked for many things but most oftenly a relationship and a love I could call my own. And as the year came to a close I again could hear myself saying "Finally, Lord, please?!" in this new year.  Well, it's always amazing to me that when I finally get serious with the Lord and pray in earnest, I always get my answer. (James 5:16)

So today, as I began to read about the blood of Jesus in a newfound devotion*, it talked about a lavish love poured out for all of us. It referred to the blood sprinkled on the mercy seat to obtain our freedom from sin so that we may draw close to the Lord. Jesus gave all He had for a relationship with me - with us. In the devotion it explained:

On the Day of Atonement, the blood of the sacrifices had to be sprinkled seven times before God the Father. (See Leviticus 16:14.) We see this regulation exactly fulfilled in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross in the New Testament. First, His sweat became blood. Second, the Roman soldiers struck Him in the face with their fists and with rods. Third, they flogged Him with a Roman scourge. Fourth, His beard was pulled out. Fifth, thorns were pressed deep into His scalp. Sixth, His hands and feet were pierced with nails. Seventh, His side was pierced with a spear. 
That is the measure of Christ’s love. Think about that staggering reality and know that it is the measure of God’s love. It is extravagant, to say the least.

Wow, that picture of blood, actually love, being poured out, really transforms my thinking.  That blood that was poured out from the foundation of the world still calls out today to me saying, "Beloved."

So in this new year I truly will prosper - in my heart and in my soul (my mind, will, and emotions). The love I prayed for so earnestly, and has atoned for so much, has been extravagantly offered to me,
and to you.

 Until next time have a very happy and PROSPEROUS new year!

 Matthew 27:28-50

*  Courtesy Derek Prince Ministries 

Acceptance, A Spiritual Principle

 I am not blaming anyone or anything for my condition but accept my fallen and sinful state as an addict. Although there are troubles and ch...